Meditation Processes of Social Learning Theory

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Social Learning Theory

As founder and chief executive officer of the Population Media Center, William “Bill” Ryerson is experienced in using entertainment-education media for social change. Also knowledgeable in migration (immigration and emigration), women’s equality, and population stabilization, Bill Ryerson received the Nafis Sadik Award for Courage from the Rotarian Action Group for Population Growth and Sustainable Development. Mr. Ryerson’s efforts toward sustainable population are centered on the Sabido behavior change methodology.

Developed by Miguel Sabido, the Sabido methodology relies on five communication and behavior theories in addition to Sabido’s Theory of the Tone: the Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model, Bentley’s Dramatic Theory, Jung’s Theory of Archetypes/Stereotypes and the Collective Unconscious, MacLean’s Concept of the Triune Brain, and the Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura.

Generally thought to serve as a link between learning theories such as behaviorism and cognitive approaches, Social Learning Theory maintains that individuals do not automatically observe and imitate behavior. Meditational processes occur prior to imitation and are central to influencing behavior and include. These processes include the following:

1. attention: noticing a behavior
2. retention: remembering a behavior
3. reproduction: imitating a behavior
4. motivation: having the will to imitate a behavior, influenced by related rewards and punishments

For additional information on Social Learning Theory and the meditational processes, visit